Mahadeva ceremony in pouring gold to form the Lotus Aura over the head of the Ganesh has gotten the royal grace from Her Royal Highness Princess Soamsawali Phravararajatinuddamat who was the president of the grand opening on the 21st August 2009 at Sanam Luang for 3 days 2 nights. This ceremony of pouring 854 gold […]
Worshipping Lord Ganesha
Lord Ganesha worship is a regular part of life. He is worshiped daily anytime, but you should worship Lord Ganesh in the place that is quiet without noisy to get mental peace or at night time or at dawn Prepare all sacrifices (water , milk , fruits , dessert) put them all in front of […]
Other part of Ganesh International Park
Apart from worshipping the biggest bronze Ganesh in the world , there are that Ganesh that precise any birthdays , Sri Mahamariamman image, Mahesh image , Cai Shen pavilion, The Ganesh images from India and Brahmans who pray for bonfire Ceremony and anoint of the forehead , Bound wrists and sacred ceremony to indoctrinate the […]